Bash completion in Ruby

Your auto-completion is kind-of complicated. You build it entirely in bash with the assumption that it provides more perf (and it probably does... it probably isn't to-be honest... based on what I can gander from looking at it.) It's not maintainable even if it does have more perf. Why not use Ruby to generate the auto complete list for Ruby?

Let's take this from the start, we need to be able to let users do something like hello w and get this is my list, we don't need to be fancy and deal with returning relevant lists ourselves, lets leave that to compgen we need to store a list of values and ship that list. So lets start with a hash:

list = {
  "_reply" => [

  "help" => {
    "_reply" => [

  "hello" => {
    "_reply" => [

    "help" => {
      "_reply" => [

Every hash has a _reply key with an array and every hash can have infinite other keys with hashes that each have their own _reply, so we can dig deeply into sub-commands in a command system. We have no root key so that we can remain agnostic with our script and even alias our parent script and still get completion. We will then serialize that into bin/comp-list.pak so that we can read and load it fast, msgpack is far faster than JSON or YAML.

Now we need to pump out the lists to Bash so that it can do what it needs to do for us. Again, we do nothing fancy as we leave the sorting to compgen. We can do that with this:

#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# Frozen-string-literal: true
# Copyright: 2016 Jordon Bedwell - MIT License
# Encoding: utf-8

require "msgpack"
file = File.join(__dir__, "comp-list.pak")
list = MessagePack.unpack(

# --
# Check if a key is included inside of given reply object.
# @param key [Any_] the string you are checking inside of the list.
# @param obj [Hash] the hash you wish to pull the `_reply` from.
# @return TrueClass|FalseClass true|false
# --
def key?(obj, key)

# --
# Checks to see if the key is partially within an array.
# @param obj [Hash] the hash you wish to pull the `_reply` from.
# @param key [Any_] the string grepping out of the list.
# @return TrueClass|FalseClass true|false
# --
def contains?(obj, key)

# --
# Check if a key is an opt (argument).
# @return TrueClass|FalseClass true|false
# @param key [Any_] the key.
# --
def opt?(key)
  key =~ /\A-{1,2}/

# --

if ARGV.empty?
  $stdout.puts list["_reply"].join(" ")

  none = false
  out = list

  ARGV.each_with_index do |k, i|
    if out.key?(k) then out = out[k]
    elsif key?(out, k) && !opt?(k) then none = true
    elsif i + 1 == ARGV.size && contains?(out, k) then next
    elsif key?(out, k) && opt?(k) then next
      else none = true

  unless none
    $stdout.puts out["_reply"].join(" ")

So, in short here is what we do:

  • bin\t\t => hello help
  • bin h\t\t => hello help
  • bin hello unknown\t\t => \n
  • bin hello\t\t => help --my-world --no-my-world world
  • bin hello --\t\t => --my-world --no-my-world

And in short, here is what the script does before compgen:

  • bin\t\t => help hello
  • bin h\t\t => help hello
  • bin hello unknown\t\t => \n
  • bin hello\t\t => help --my-world --no-my-world world
  • bin hello --\t\t => help --my-world --no-my-world world

Now it's time to tie it into Bash and compgen, so taking the list and the Ruby above and putting into all into a single file called bin/comp-list we can then turn around and create bin/comp with the following:

_bin() {
  comp=$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)/comp-list
  COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W "$($comp ${COMP_WORDS[@]})" -- \

complete -F _bin bin

# --
# Get the base.
# --
def base(const, skip = %w(help))
  keys = const.all_commands.keys
  return "_reply" => keys, "help" => {
    "_reply" => keys - skip

# --
# Add the command options.
# --
def add_opts(out, const)
  const.all_commands.each do |k, v| do |_, o|
      out[k] ||= {
        "_reply" => []

      ary = out[k]["_reply"]
      if o.boolean?
        name = o.switch_name
        ary.push("--no-#{name.gsub(/\A--/, "")}")

        name = o.switch_name


# --
# Get a list of commands.
# --
def get_commands(const)
  out = base(const)
  if const.const_defined?(:Sub)
    const.subcommands.each_with_object(out) do |k, o|
      o[k] = send(__method__, const::Sub.const_get(k.capitalize))

  add_opts(out, const)

# --

namespace :gen do
  task :comp do
    require "msgpack"
    result = get_commands(My::CLI).to_msgpack